Friday, October 17, 2008

Home Base

Home Base includes new work by Margaret Dawson printed on silver trays. Above is The Next Stage 2008 - essentially an image of a woman with a jersey over her head but emerging from a deep silver dish coated so that she glows. Margaret often uses people she knows in her work and this woman is her mother, Anna. But it's not essential to know this and Anna is transformed into a image with non specific historic references, of forbearance and saintliness.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Guilty Party

"Who ate all the pies? Who ate all the world? With our voracious appetites, we have gnawed, devoured, scoffed, gutsed, chomped, gobbled, trampled, polluted, desecrated the world. Who ate all the world? We did! Pass me those antacids - this heartburn/break is killing me!"
Lauren Lysaght, Oct 2008

A Guilty Party is featured in Home Base.